
here’s an overview of the range of products offered by Green Plus Farming Biotech

Bio Fertilizers

Our Bio Fertilizers harness natural microorganisms to enrich soil fertility. These organic formulations promote nutrient absorption, enhance plant growth, and improve overall soil health, resulting in more robust and productive crops.

Bio Pesticides

Green Plus Farming’s Bio Pesticides offer effective pest management solutions derived from natural sources. These environmentally friendly alternatives minimize harm to beneficial organisms while effectively controlling pests that threaten your crops.

Growth Regulators

Our Growth Regulators are meticulously formulated to influence plant growth processes. By promoting controlled cell division and elongation, these products enhance root development, flowering, and fruit setting for healthier and more consistent yields.

Growth Boosters

Green Plus Farming’s Growth Boosters are tailored to stimulate plant metabolism and nutrient uptake. These formulations are designed to accelerate growth during crucial stages, leading to more vigorous plants and improved crop quality.

Growth Enhancers

Elevate your crop production with Growth Enhancers that optimize physiological processes. These products enhance nutrient assimilation, increase stress tolerance, and amplify plant responses to environmental stimuli, ensuring resilient and thriving crops., and fruit setting for healthier and more consistent yields.

Bio Control Agents

Elevate your crop production with Growth Enhancers that optimize physiological processes. Our Bio Control Agents offer a natural approach to managing pests and diseases. These beneficial organisms act as predators or parasites, targeting harmful pests and pathogens without resorting to chemical interventions, resulting in balanced ecosystems and healthier crops.